Our service

Jet fuel is a significant cost to many aviation companies. With our professional know-how, we provide you with a targeted overview of the current conditions of the oil market and support you individually in economical fuel purchasing.

Use our strengths to your advantage

  • We achieve optimal prices with our global supplier portfolio, which assist in a reduction of your fuel budget.
  • As a consultant to renowned airlines in the aviation industry, we make our expertise available to you.
  • We only represent your interests as a general aviation customer.
  • We do not work for oil companies or the fuel industry.
  • We provide a wealth of experience of over 21 years of activity in the aviation business.
  • We have an extensive knowledge of the competitive situation at all well-known airports across the European continent.

Our fees

As a base fee, we charge a monthly amount based on the aircraft you operate.

Monthly fee per operated aircraft up to 10 t MTOW

First aircraftEuro 360,00
Second and Third aircraftEuro 260,00
Fourth and Fifth aircraftEuro 200,00


The monthly charge increases above a MTOW of 10 t per aircraft as follows

above 10 t MTOW to 25 t MTOWPer aircraft: Euro 100,00
above 25 t MTOWPer aircraft: Euro 200,00

All prices excluding the statutory VAT.


Global Fuel Service GmbH | D-70629 Stuttgart-Airport | GAT
Phone +49 [0] 711 - 70 70 70 62 | Mobile +49 [0] 172 - 7 31 22 00

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